Posted on 20 February 2012 - 16:53
December 2011 to January 2012
For the course Technologies and Tools for User Interfaces at UHasselt. Pieter Vincken, Geoffrey Beertens and I formed a group. Our assignment was to create something using speech.
Since we didn't have a lot of inspiration we decided to create a 'simple' chess game with speech interaction. With 'simple' I mean not completely according to the rules, because of the lack of time.
Some of the rules we didn't implement are:
- A pawn can move forward two squares during his first move.
This doesn't really changes the game a lot. I will just take a little more time. Of course there are situations where this will be a disadvantage, but you can agree with the other player to 'play nice' to solve this problem. - We don't check your moves for check. This means:
- If the opponent checks you, you have to notice it yourself. So you can do a move that doesn't get you out of the check.
- Checkmate won't be handled, so you have to hit the opponents king to win the game.
- If you can do a certain move that will check your own King. Don't be stupid and think before you do your move. An example of this in the demonstration above.
- Rules like 'En passant', 'Promotion' and castling.
Below you can see a short demo of the project. If you want to play it yourself, download the archive below.